I've written about garlic scapes here before. Bright green stalks that shoot from the tops of young growing garlic in June-ish, scapes evoke a wild flavor similar to how you'd imagine summer grass to taste.
I used this scape spread to assemble a green and white pizza, along with crumbles of goat feta, fresh chopped leeks, bits of kalamata olives, and a scattering of crushed hot pepper. The combination was delicious, but almost over-the-top so from all the salt in the cheese and olives. Next time, it's one or the other - parmesan in the pesto or feta in the mix - not both.
Extra pesto-feta-olive-leek mix went into a quinoa and chickpea salad. Despite repeated attempts, I have a hard time enjoying quinoa, but hiding it in the garlic scape pesto worked for me. I think this pesto also has a future in a pasta salad with some tiny sliced cherry tomatoes.
Have you tried garlic scapes? What's your favorite preparation?
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